Photographs of the Polish military. Soldiers, equipment and vehicles. Images scanned from magazines or downloaded from internet, covering the period when the GAZ 69 was in service.
Any contributions are more than welcome. Some pictures are very large. Use full screen view (F11 key).

Fot. Żołnierz Polski

Photo: Żołnierz Polski

Fot. Motor

Photo: Motor

Fot. Motor
A GAZ-51 truck inspection.
Photo: Motor

Fot. Motor
A GAZ-51 truck inspection.
Photo: Motor

Fot. Motor
A GAZ-51 truck service.
Photo: Motor
Photographs of the Polish military. Soldiers, equipment and vehicles. Images scanned from magazines or downloaded from internet, covering the period when the GAZ 69 was in service.
Any contributions are more than welcome. Some pictures are very large. Use full screen view (F11 key).