Polish Army / LWP
Photographs of the Polish military. Soldiers, equipment and vehicles. Images scanned from magazines or downloaded from internet, covering the period when the GAZ 69 was in service.
Any contributions are more than welcome. Some pictures are very large. Use full screen view (F11 key).
Żołnierze na defiladzie.
Źródło nieznane.
Soldiers on parade.
Source unknown.
Ciągnik Ursus.
Fot. Motor.
Tractor Ursus.
Photo: Motor.
Machanik-kierowca ciągnika.
Photo: Motor.
Tractor mechanic.
Photo: Motor.
Photo: Motor.
Photo: Motor.
1.05.1959, Warszawa, Polska.
Obchody święta 1 Maja, pochód przechodzący ulicą Marszałkowską, na pierwszym planie mężczyźni w kombinezonach i maskach gazowych jadący na przyczepie.
Fot. Romuald Broniarek, zbiory Ośrodka KARTA
January 1, 1959, Warsaw, Poland.
Celebrations of May 1. Parade through Marszalkowska Street. In foreground men in suits and gas masks riding on a trailer.
Fig. Romuald Broniarek, KARTA Center collection
22.07.1959, Warszawa, Polska. Uroczyste obchody piętnastolecia PRL, pokaz wyrzutni rakiet podczas defilady wojskowo-sportowej, w tle budynki przy ulicy Marszałkowskiej.
Fot. Romuald Broniarek/KARTA
22.07.1959, Warsaw, Poland.
Ceremonial celebrations of the 15th anniversary of the People's Republic of Poland. Rocket launchers during the military parade.
Fig. Romuald Broniarek, KARTA Center collection
22.07.1959, Warszawa, Polska.
Uroczyste obchody piętnastolecia PRL, defilada wojskowo-sportowa, pokaz sprzętu wojskowego, w tle budynki przy ulicy Marszałkowskiej.
Fot. Romuald Broniarek/KARTA
22.07.1959, Warsaw, Poland.
Ceremonial celebrations of the 15th anniversary of the People's Republic of Poland, military and sports parade, military equipment demonstration. In the background buildings on Marszałkowska street.
Fig. Romuald Broniarek, KARTA Center collection
Photographs of the Polish military. Soldiers, equipment and vehicles. Images scanned from magazines or downloaded from internet, covering the period when the GAZ 69 was in service.
Any contributions are more than welcome. Some pictures are very large. Use full screen view (F11 key).
Polish Army / LWP
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